Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)
The University of Michigan certification course covered the basics of SQL syntax and database design. After taking this certification course I understand how to use SQL to query data, JOIN tables, and design simple databases. Check out this database creation project to see what I built!
Week 1
The first week introduced us to the MySQL interface and local server setup
Week 2
This section taught us how to use basic SQL operators like SELECT, FROM, WHERE, INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE to manipulate data in tables. I then got a crash course in proper syntax, data types, and primary keys.
Week 3
Week 3 went in-depth on relational databases. We built an abstract data model and a user interface model to understand the structure of our database for later use. We built the database using primary, foreign, and logical keys. Once the database was complete and consisted of four separate tables of data, we used the JOIN command to bring the information together in a query.
Week 4
Here we brought our knowledge together to build a many-to-many relational database. We did this by creating a “connector table“ between tables in the database. Then, we discussed possible applications where the many-to-one and one-to-many approaches would be best suited. Lastly, we delved deeper into syntactically correct JOIN statements.
Course Registration Database Model
Here is the diagram I built for my relational diagram designed to mirror my college course registration page