Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate

I’m happy to announce that today I’ve begun the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate program!

Data analysis is one of the most important resources that a company uses in decision-making. And noticing that my skills in the area aren’t up to par with what employers are looking for, I’ve decided to upskill!

The Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate is a 6-month intensive training program. Weekly course objectives, quizzes, exams, and a capstone project will prepare me with the skills to land a junior-level data analyst job.

I will:

  • Gain an understanding of the practices and processes used by a junior or associate data analyst in their day-to-day job.

  • Learn about key analytical skills (data cleaning, data analysis, data visualization) and tools (spreadsheets, SQL, R programming, Tableau) that you can add to your professional toolbox.

  • Discover a wide variety of terms and concepts relevant to the role of a junior data analyst, such as the data life cycle and the data analysis process.

  • Evaluate the role of analytics in the data ecosystem.

  • Conduct an analytical thinking self-assessment. And,

  • Explore job opportunities available to you upon program completion, and learn about best practices in the job search.

The professional certificate will prepare me to use data analysis for marketing and product management decision-making. I will create a continuing thread under my Projects page and update it by course to share what I’ve learned.


Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere - Course 1


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